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Daily Devotion 05-27-20

Daily Devotion 05-26-20

Daily Devotion 05-25-20

Seventh Sunday of Easter Divine Service 05-24-20


Pastoral letter 05-23-20

Grace to you and peace from God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen.


"Hear O LORD when I cry aloud. Your face, LORD, do I seek; hide not Your face from me." - Psalm 27:7a, 8b, 9a (antiphon for the Introit, Seventh Sunday of Easter, Exaudi) 

We rejoice this week with much of the Church who begin opening up their doors once more and look forward to the time when we can live out the Christian faith unrestricted by viruses, persecution, injustice, and oppression. Continue to keep the Church at large in your prayers as we seek the Lord's face and His favor.

I wanted to let you briefly know of some upcoming highlights for Zion. Beginning next week, May 31, the Day of Pentecost, we will be gathering together for worship all together in one Service at 10:30am. We believe that we can accommodate approximately 150 people together and still maintain extra vigilance in distancing and sanitization.  For the time being, Sunday School and Bible Study on Sunday morning will be postponed with the intention of resuming in a few more weeks.  We will also celebrate the Confirmation and First Communion of Landon Cox and Cherokee Claybaugh. 

Our Call Committee is asking for you help. I have attached a nomination form this to email. If you know someone who might be interested in a Call to Zion in order to serve as Headmaster for our school and associate pastor, please fill this form out and return it to either me or the church office via email, mail, or dropping it off in person. The deadline is next Sunday, May 31. We would like to submit all these names to the District Office by Monday, June 1.

If you are not able to join us, remember that Worship Anew is broadcast each Sunday morning at 8:30am on Channel 6.  Also, Zion's Service will be uploaded some time tomorrow afternoon.

Our School finished out the year with a field day, chapel, and Prek/Kindergarten promotion. Please keep the ministry of the school in your prayers as these times has created difficulties, but also great opportunity, for Zion to continue to provide a quality, classical and Christian education to our community.

If you have any questions or concerns, any prayer requests, or know of anyone who would like to receive these emails, please let me know.

The LORD keep your going out and your coming in from this time forth and forevermore. Psalm 121:8



In Christ,
Pastor Ross Shaver
Zion Lutheran Church

404 Nectarine St.
Nampa, ID 83686

(208) 466-6746 - Church Phone

"One thing I have asked of the Lord, that will I seek after: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord and to meditate in His temple." – Psalm 27:4

Daily Devotion 05-23-20

Daily Devotion 05-22-20
