Social Ministries



A combination of vibrant floral fabric accented on a black background fabric. This beautiful quilt was sewn and quilted by Joann Adamson. Raffle tickets are $5.00 each and are available in Luther Hall following the service or can be purchased any time in the church office. All proceeds from ticket sales benefit homeless shelters in the Nampa area.





Celebrating 20 years

of Lutheran World Relief

 quilting at Zion


This congregation has a history of quilting bees in the past when quilts were made for fundraisers or to honor special people of the congregation, but in 1999, Hilma Ronfeld and Betty Lubcke decided to form a group to make quilts for the Lutheran World Relief. From this small group of women in 1999, the current quilters have grown in numbers to over 30 participants. 8739 quilts have been shipped and will have nearly 600 to ship this year.

In 2010, it was decided to expand the ministry under the supervision to Joann Adamson, by making raffle quilts to benefit our local homeless shelters. Since that time, $20,000 has been given. We have had tremendous support from the congregation and the community with both monetary and fabric donations. Boxes just show up at the back door. All of this has been accomplished by the grace of God. Zion has been Blessed!    

