Bible Study opportunities at Zion



Sunday Morning

9:00 am Bible Study for all ages. 

9:00-9:15am Devotional opening in the church nave. Children then attend age appropriate classes in the basement, while the Adult Class meets in Luther Hall.

Midweek Bible Study

10:30 am on Wednesdays is a bible study of the upcoming Sunday's readings. You can also join us on zoom.  Please be sure the church office has your email address as the zoom link will be sent out an hour before class.

Men’s Bible Fellowship

There is a men's breakfast the first Saturday of every month at 9 am in Luther Hall at the church. There is a men's fellowship the second Thursday of each month at 6:30 pm meeting at Mother Earth Brewing Nampa.

Women's Bible Study & Fellowship

Tuesday 1:00-2:30 pm at church in Luther Hall 

Women's fellowship is the first Thursday of every month at Syringa Coffee in downtown Nampa at 6:30pm

  Catechism Classes:

Youth Catechesis (Confirmation) – Class begins in the fall and typically follows the school year.  Youth attend for two years, one year focusing primarily upon the Small Catechism and the other upon major Biblical and theological aspects of the Church.

Adult Catechesis (Confirmation) –  This class is intended for all those new to the Christianity, who wish to become members of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, or simply those who want a refresher course in the basics of the Christian faith. Catechesis is focused on learning  and strengthening the faith of the catechumen the 6 chief parts of Luther’s Small Catechism, including: The 10 Commandments, The Creed, The Lord’s Prayer, Baptism, Confession, Communion.  This can be arranged 

Confirmation is a custom linking the catechumen (a Greek word referring to one who is receiving Christian instruction in preparation for Baptism and/or Communion to become a member in the Church) to their Baptism, celebrating the reception of the Lord's Word among them, and welcoming them to the Lord's Supper. The reception of catechumens to the Lord's Table assumes that ongoing catechesis is the way of life for the faithful Christian.  
