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Trinity 2 2022

Bible Study 06-26-22

Rev. Dr. Quintin Cundiff, Missionary to Luther Academy in Latvia

Ordination of Nicholas Whitney

Ordination of Nicholas Whitney into the Office of Pastoral Ministry

June 19, 2022


Trinity 1 2022

DS 3, LSB 184


LSB 728 How Firm a Foundation

LSB 768 To God the Holy Spirit Let us Pray

LSB 629 What is this Bread

LSB 543 What Wondrous Love is This

LSB 571 God Loved the Word So That He Gave

LSB 842 Son of God, Eternal Savior

Bible Study 06-19-22

(Soon to be) Pastor Nick Whitney shares with us this morning.

Trinity Sunday 2022

Divine Service 3, LSB 184


LSB 940 Holy God, We Praise Thy Name

LSB 498 Come, Holy Ghost, Creator Blest

LSB 507 Holy, Holy, Holy

LSB 761 Rock of Ages

LSB 876 O Blessed, Holy Trinity

LSB 604 I Bind Unto Myself Today 

Bible Study 06-12-22

Homolegumena and Antilegommena
